Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday Poem this week treads on holy ground

 This week's Tuesday Poem is a holy, joyful, simply fabulous poem by UK poet Aracelis Girmay who's collection Kingdom Animalia is why this week's editor Janis Freegard chose her. Janis' first collection of poetry published last year by AUP is also called KIngdom Animalia - and the two met online. Janis says she found it almost impossible to choose a poem from Aracelis' excellent collection. Here's a taste...

         Once, in June, the dress was green,
& I flew into it from the diving board of my sex
& I didn’t care that the trees were watching. & I didn’t care
who saw. In fact, I ran out the door, into the magenta hall
of the Campus Inn hotel where I was visiting, & a poet,
& I laughed & laughed & laughed. I didn’t care
that the rooms were full. I didn’t care
that people might hear. In fact, I wanted them
to catch me in the lit Technicolor of my glee & mistake me for
a flashlight. Or a discotheque. 

Why 'holy' ground you may ask? Here's how the poem ends...

Go on,
& my hairs stood up like switchgrass
atop the gold fields of my skin, bless
this holy, holy chance to move
above the ground
like this.

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