WANTED MAN goes on sale in the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand - today August 30th.
Australia on September 3rd. The US and Canada on September 11th. The latest Reacher novel picks up where WORTH DYING FOR ends. If you haven't read WORTH DYING FOR, go grab yourself a copy and skip to the next paragraph. Reacher's hitchhiking his way to Virginia to meet Susan. He looks like 5 miles of rough road, with a broken nose and duct tape holding it together. That's our guy, always a fashion plate. Three people in one car (think tight fit for our Mr. Long Legs) pick him up and none of them are telling the truth. More news -
Lee's on tour! Starting
September 4th, he'll be meeting readers in the UK and Ireland. Right after,
he's back in the States to tour for the US edition of A WANTED MAN.
Take a look at the website APPEARANCES
page for dates, times and places. (No new events will be added, so what you
see is what there'll be.)
Speaking of Lee's website, we're about to launch a new design. There are some simple changes (such as calling the current Appearances page "Events" instead) and it's a whole lot simpler to navigate...plus we will be adding lots of goodies for y'all by year's end. As many of you know, the Forum is closing down but that's what Facebook and Twitter are for. Come back next week and take a look. We hope you like it. The redesigned website will also make it easy to discover the latest news. Every nugget of info will be posted on the "News" page as well as on Facebook and Twitter. We've added a YouTube channel for Lee Child, too. These are the places (website "News" page, Facebook, Twitter) where we will announce contests for books and sweepstakes for Jack Reacher movie premiere tickets so keep on the look-out.
AFFAIR mass-market paperback just went on sale in the UK, Ireland,
Australia and New Zealand and thanks to you readers, it's topping the charts.
(Before you ask, the US/Canada paperback went on sale earlier this year so
you may already own a copy.)
DEEP DOWN, the digital-only short story came out in August and is still on bestsellers lists. You guys rock! JACK REACHER'S RULES will be out in November. More on that, later... Let's see...what else? Lee will be in the news often over the next few months. We'll let you know as dates are confirmed but don't be surprised if you see Lee in Playboy (sorry ladies, no centerfold). Happy Reading! |
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