Friday, June 18, 2010

Will the iPad Kill eReaders?
By Jason Boog, GalleyCat on Jun 17, 2010

Will the iPad kill eReaders?
That was the burning question at The Big Money's Untethered 2010 tablet conference in New York City today. eBookNewser was there all day, tweeting and blogging.

Bob Nell, Sony Electronics' director of business development in the digital reading business division, thought that eReaders would survive. On an airplane recently, he spotted one iPad passenger watching a movie on an iPad and a Sony Reader user reading a book. "She was watching her own movie in the theater of the mind," Nell said. "It's a different kind of experience, and a different kind of product." Read more at eBookNewser.

eBookNewser also covered a presentation about evolving eReading habits. Forrester Research consumer product strategy analyst Sarah Rotman Epps predicted a major shift in reading habits--theorizing that tablet computers will outnumber eReaders by 2012. Follow this link to read more.

Finally, Quark unveiled a new publishing platform and partnerships at a special presentation during the Untethered conference.

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