By Craig Morgan Teicher on Booknewser, Feb 16, 2010
There's something surreal about the image left--it's Mattel CEO Bob Eckert unveiling the Fisher-Price iXL, an app-powered tablet for preschoolers. Do preschoolers need an app-powered tablet? Apparently they do now. Here are some details from Mattel:
"iXL Learning System is a child's portable window to a whole new world of learning and entertainment with six great applications: Story Book, Game Player, Note Book, Art Studio, Music Player and Photo Album. iXL, which is PC and MAC compatible, features an SD card slot for expanded memory and comes with a USB cord to connect to the computer. A software management CD enables users to add their own photos and songs (MP3s and WMAs). iXL can also store multiple software titles, songs and pictures with no cartridges needed. iXL will be available in July 2010 for approximately $79.99; licensed software CDs will also be available, sold separately for $24.99."
Will the Story Book app feature all kinds of kids eBooks? We'll investigate. And where do they get these names? iXL? Shouldn't it be called something friendlier, like CompuBug or something?
What's next? An iPad for dogs (featuring the controversial introduction of iBones)? A touchscreen bubble-counter for fish? When will the future get over itself and leave us alone?
Report from Booknewser
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