The Book That Almost Never Was: 100 Stories for Haiti
By Greg McQueen
AARTHUS, DENMARK: The book 100 Stories for Haiti -- a forthcoming charity anthology with proceeds going for Haitian earthquake relief -- wouldn't have been possible five years ago. As it happened, I posted an appeal for stories on the morning of Tuesday, January, 19. Just one week after the earthquake that left over 200,000 dead. The final deadline for submissions was Wednesday, Jan, 27 and the manuscript actually went off to the printers on Feb 14. So, in three weeks, we went from an appeal to a finished manuscript.
As little as five years ago only a handful of people knew about Facebook, which was just a year old, and Twitter didn't even exist.
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If They Need to Compete With Digital, Why Can't Publishers Work Faster?
By Edward Nawotka
Earlier this year we covered the new trend of "cause publishing" and in today's lead story, we have an example of it: 100 Stories for Haiti, an anthology sourced via Twitter of stories from around the globe with proceeds going to Haitian earthquake relief. What's even more remarkable is the fact that the book went from idea to finished manuscript in three weeks. The writing was crowd sourced from Twitter and the editorial work was provided on a volunteer basis. Granted, we're still waiting to see what the finished product ultimately looks like.
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