Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Most Ridiculous Claims Used to Challenge Classic Novels

By Emily Temple on Flavorwire 

The Most Ridiculous Claims Used to Challenge Classic Novels
This morning, the American Library Association released its study of the most frequently challenged books of 2012, a list that includes classics and YA touchstones alike. But, of course, books have been challenged, banned, and removed from school curricula for years, and sometimes for the silliest (at least in retrospect) of reasons. At the ALA’s website, we found a list of some of the reasons behind the historical challenges of classic novels, and while some of them seem like run-of-the-mill complaints (parents do not like naughty language), others are frankly absurd.

Seriously, if these books were this scandalous, we think we’d remember. After the jump, we’ve culled a few of our outrageous favorites from the ALA’s list. Scoff or agree, but read on.

 … Read More


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