Monday, March 06, 2017

Invitation to book launch at Parliament


Join Bridget Williams Books to celebrate two new books by Jonathan Boston

launching at Parliament hosted by the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies (Victoria University of Wellington) with Bridget Williams Books.

 We will be celebrating:

Governing for the Future: Designing Democratic Institutions for a Better Tomorrow (Emerald Press, UK, 2017)


Safeguarding the Future: Governing in an Uncertain World (BWB Text, Wellington, 2017)



Thursday 23 March

Banquet Hall, Parliament Buildings,

Molesworth Street, Wellington.


Peter Hughes, State Services Commissioner

Bridget Williams, Publisher

Safeguarding the Future: In an era of populist politics, Brexit, Donald Trump, 24-hour news cycles and perpetual election campaigning, Jonathan Boston's new BWB text arrives at a much needed time. How, Boston asks, we can govern well for the future. How do we take the long view, ensuring that present-day policy decisions reflect the needs and safeguard the interests of future generations?

Please RSVP to by 17 March.

Vic Books will be present selling books.

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