Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Survey Says: Reading Devices Lead to More Reading, Posting

Shelf Awareness

Some 40% of adults, including 46% of those between 18 and 39, own an e-reader or tablet, double the percentages of two years ago, and 60% of college graduates own an e-reader, a USA Today and poll has found. Respondents consisted of 1,000 adults; a supplemental poll resulted in a total of 819 e-reader and tablet owners.

Among other findings:

  • 27% of readers polled have used Facebook, Twitter or book websites to comment on a book, and 50% of those under 40 who own a reading device have used social media to comment on a book.
  • 62% of households with annual income of at least $75,000 own at least one reading device.
  • 35% of those with reading devices are reading more than before.
  • 51% of respondents say a lack of time keeps them from reading more books, while 16% say they don't read more books due to lack of interest, and 14% because of a lack of quality books.
  • Among those who read more because of their reading devices, 23% said they read more science fiction or fantasy, 16% more mystery and crime, 14% more romance and 14% more nonfiction.
And perhaps most important:
  • 3% of respondents say books often play a role in making new friends or finding a romantic partner, while 7% say this happens sometimes.

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