Monday, October 07, 2013

Launching Dreams

Launching Dreams

Baden Pascoe
Hardback $59.99 David Ling Publishing
240 x 280mm, 152 pages, full colour, hardback

A sumptuous, large format pictorial and historical account of the life of businessman and boat builder Percy Vos, his boatyard at Westhaven, the boats he built and the people he worked with. Established in 1922 P.Vos Ltd built a wide range of boats from simple dinghies and runabouts to large luxury launches, yachts, fishing boats and the car ferry Korea. The author Baden Pascoe is a well-known writer on maritime subjects and has a long-standing family connection to the Vos family and Percy’s boats.

“Publisher David Ling, who has a flair for maritime books, has worked closely with Baden Pascoe to produce an astonishingly fine artefact which stands up well to any international comparison. The reader is quickly enchanted by the deep passion Pascoe clearly has for the Vos period, the boats, the people who built them and how they belonged to a team of skilled tradesmen, with pride in what they built. This book is another milestone in the record of Auckland’s maritime history and an essential read for all those with salt in their veins.”
Harold Kidd, Boating New Zealand

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