Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Karten Nabs Two Big Buzz Books Pre-Frankfurt - Coelho Attacks Brazil's Frankfurt Picks

PW Daily 

In separate deals with agents at William Morris Endeavor, HarperCollins's Terry Karten acquired North American rights to two of the big buzz books drawing attention leading into the Frankfurt Book Fair. Both are debut novels. The first book, which Dorian Karchmar sold, is called Gutenberg's Apprentice and is written by journalist Alix Christie. That novel tracks what WME called the "last great media revolution:" the invention of the printing press. The second novel, sold by Bill Clegg, is Katy Simpson Smith's The Story of Land and Sea, which is set during the final years of the Revolutionary War. more »

E-books are Changing Reading Habits: A poll conducted for USA Today and Bookish finds that 40% of adults — including 46% of those ages 18 to 39 — own an e-reader or a tablet. That's more than double the numbers less than two years ago.

Coelho Attacks Brazil's Frankfurt Picks : Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho has said he declined to attend this year's Frankfurt Book Fair, despite Brazil being the guest of honor, in protest of the choice of writers attending from his country.

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