Monday, October 07, 2013

Is Publishing Still Broken? The Surprising Year In Books

CMO Network - Forbes
Copies of the book 'Fifty Shades of Grey' by E...

A flood of self-published books washes ashore. Bestseller prices are down significantly. Bad grammar speeds through the ether at a faster pace than ever before.  This should be a dreadful year for publishers.  
Only it’s not.
Instead, Random House handed out $5,000 bonus checks from windfall profits.  Simon & Schuster signed a critically acclaimed author whose #1 bestselling book was self-published.  
And despite Amazon reporting that more than a quarter of its bestsellers were self-published last year, revenue from traditionally published books held up.

Self-publishing is a huge and disruptive force in the publishing industry, but contrary to popular belief, it’s largely benefiting publishers.

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