Thursday, October 10, 2013

At CONTEC: Content, Technology...and Questions

In its energetic first outing, @CONTEC 2013 Conference looked at the challenges to publishing and educational services, bookselling, and social reading.
From the Frankfurt Book Fair, Ed Nawotka wonders, why have so many startups in publishing never made it beyond beta?
From the Frankfurt Book Fair:
Publishing Perspectives' show daily for this Wednesday at the Frankfurt Book Fair includes conference reports and info on Brazil's Guest of Honor exhibition.
The Publishing Perspectives video team attended CONTEC Frankfurt and Publishers Launch at the Frankfurt Book Fair to find out what the crowds were buzzing about.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair's annual International Rights Directors Meeting, experts identified new opportunities for publishers to increase their revenue from rights.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair, VP of Kindle Content, Russ Grandinetti, shared some numbers about consumer usage of Kindle ebooks around the world.
At the annual conference of the International STM Association just before the Frankfurt Book Fair, Jim Griffin advised publishers to get serious about exploiting the rights they own.

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