Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Christie: A Family's Tragic Loss and a Mother's Fight for Justice

Authors: Tracey Marceau & Anna Leask

Penguin Books - $40

On the morning of 7 November 2011, Tracey Marceau lived every mother's worst nightmare. A young man entered her home, pushing Tracey to the side before kicking and repeatedly stabbing her daughter. Christie died in her mother's arms. Christie's killer, Akshay Chand, was released on bail just a month earlier for kidnapping Christie, during which he threatened to rape and kill her. Christie had begged the courts to keep him in custody, fearing for her life. Her death was entirely preventable.

Christie is the story of her life, the events leading up to her killing, and previously untold details of what happened that day. Tracey shares how she and the family pulled together amid unthinkable tragedy and got their lives back on track. Importantly, this book questions how a calculating, cold-blooded killer could be found not guiltily on grounds on insanity, and how our country's bail laws could let an ordinary family down so disastrously.

Raw, moving and thought-provoking, Christie is a tribute to a daughter taken too soon.

'Christie will never be able to tell her story herself. But as the mum of such a bright star, I will ensure she is heard. I will never give up because I know that she never would have.' Tracey Marceau
Royalties from the sale of this book go to The Christie Marceau Charitable Trust

Anna Leask is a journalist with the New Zealand Herald, specialising in crime and emergency services reporting.

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