Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Introducing Rosa Mira's 10k series: 10,000 matchless words

The first in the 10k series, these three stories demonstrate Sue Wootton’s verve, versatility and poetic sensibility, her keen eye and attentive ear.

Earle wants ‘more than anything in the whole entire universe to ride a roller coaster’ at the A&P show. At the same time he wants not to do the compulsive thing that takes him close, though never quite close enough, to bliss. Casting shadows over Earle’s hopes and fears are his father, Lloyd, and the man in the car that pulls up alongside, offering tickets for the show.
Margaretha dreads the ‘sweet zephyrs’ of spring that lure maids from the house where her husband labours over his ‘vats of stinking hell’ — seeking gold in urine. The new maid Hilda — ‘hot Hilda!’ — besides being a boon in a wintry bed harbours alchemical secrets of her own.
Lily’s mother sees shapeliness waiting to emerge from raggedy rosebushes, and from a gangly half-grown daughter. But a Saturday morning death and its awkward, bruising aftermath threaten the lovely forms.

          Photo of Sue by Doug Lilly.

You can read an interview where Sue discusses the stories, and learn about her remarkable poetry collections, children's picture book and prize-winning prose here.

Ratty offers Sue his congratulations, and invites you to drop in at Rosa Mira Books for a copy of The Happiest Music on Earth.

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