Monday, September 03, 2012

Money Week - child poverty and financial literacy

This week is money week and to raise $20 million for breaking the cycle of poverty in New Zealand. Lucas Remmerswaal (right) is on the third day of a fast to raise awareness for teaching financial literacy as a core subject in schools.  
Earlier this year he cycled the length of New Zealand's visiting 75 primary and intermediate schools. The trip is documented in a Blog on  Schools all want the books and journals so students can take them home and share their entrepreneurial ideas with their parents over the dinner table.
Remmerswaal met with Duffy books in homes who want 200,000 books & journals printed for all decile 1,2 and 3 schools in New Zealand.  See what the children at Casebrook Intermediate learnt from of the Tale of Tortoise Buffett and the children at Kamo Intermediate learnt from 13 Habits that made me Billions:

To find a sponsor Remmerswaal has contacted every bank and many corporate as he believes “they have a social responsibility to teach financial literacy to New Zealand children.” The banks are all pleading poverty but a New Zealand owned life insurance Company, Fidelity Life has agreed to adopt Kamo Intermediate School in Whangarei, by purchasing 850 books.      
The Success for Students Charitable Trust Bank account: 12-3093-0273924-00
ASB bank is accepting donations. 

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