Forget champagne and candlelight dinners, writers—from Colette to Casanova to Raymond Chandler—and their significant others haven’t played by the book when it comes to seduction. Joni Rendon and Shannon McKenna Schmidt are the authors of Writers Between the Covers: The Scandalous Romantic Lives of Legendary Literary Casanovas, Coquettes, and Cads.

140212-schmidt-rendon-book-embedSuccessful wordsmiths seduce readers with unique storylines and scintillating prose. These creative writers mastered seduction off the page, too. For them, novelty and naughtiness were the ultimate aphrodisiacs.

Colette and Bertrand de Jouvenel
E.L. James wasn’t the first writer to recognize the erotic power of words. Colette used her novel Cheri, the tale of a young man’s carnal awakening at the hands of a retired courtesan, to seduce her teenage stepson. Foreshadowing her intentions, the forty-seven-year-old gave the boy a signed first edition of the titillating tale. Soon afterward she informed him, “It’s time for you to become a man,” and barged into his bedroom to deflower him. The one-night seduction morphed into a five-year affair.
Writers Between the Covers: The Scandalous Romantic Lives of Legendary Literary Casanovas, Coquettes, and Cads. (
