Controversy surrounds The Girl in the Spider’s Web and David Lagercrantz, the author hired to continue the bestselling series

“I was just talking to a Russian colleague about the cover,” says Linda Altrov Berg, a little breathlessly, when she eventually comes on the line.
Altrov Berg, the head of rights for Swedish publisher Norstedts, is wrapping up preparations for next month’s launch of The Girl in the Spider’s Web, the continuation of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy. Larsson died in 2004, and The Girl in the Spider’s Web has been written by another Swedish writer, David Lagercrantz.
The original books, with their memorable goth hacker heroine, sold 82m copies and the sequel is rivalled only by Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman and EL James’s Grey for the title of this year’s biggest launch. Coordinating it is an undertaking unprecedented for a Swedish publisher.
Altrov Berg, the head of rights for Swedish publisher Norstedts, is wrapping up preparations for next month’s launch of The Girl in the Spider’s Web, the continuation of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy. Larsson died in 2004, and The Girl in the Spider’s Web has been written by another Swedish writer, David Lagercrantz.
The original books, with their memorable goth hacker heroine, sold 82m copies and the sequel is rivalled only by Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman and EL James’s Grey for the title of this year’s biggest launch. Coordinating it is an undertaking unprecedented for a Swedish publisher.
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