Sunday, February 09, 2014

SURPRISE: Julia Marshall makes money from publishing books.

Julia MarshallSunday Star Times - 9 February, 2014 - 
Fairfax NZ

Publisher Julia Marshall's Gecko Press brings the best of the world's childrens' authors to New Zealand kids.   

She set up Gecko 10 years ago after years of working in Sweden and now exports to Australia, the UK and US.
She tells Rob Stock many of life's important financial lessons can be learned from great literature.

How financially savvy are you?
I am a lot more financially savvy than I used to be. I enjoy the money side of things, but getting systems in place at Gecko Press has been harder than it needed to be. I have been working a lot on financial reporting with my advisory board, and I love what we have in place now.

What was your first paid work?

Other than my parents paying me to paint things - an autoshop in Taupo. And kitchen-hand work - my friend used to waitress and I would be put out back to do the vegetables. I sold timeshares for a week for a man who wore a dollar sign on his belt. 

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