Saturday, February 08, 2014

Printable Reality Presents the Launch of Page2Stage 2014 - featuring "These Wondering Feet"


     Printable Reality presents
·         Thursday 20th February 8pm at Q Theatre

Launch of Page2Stage 2014 - featuring "These Wondering Feet"
Come and join us at Q Theatre for Joel McKerrow's last performance in Auckland as he completes his nation-wide poetry tour. Joel, Kirsti and Iris will take you on a lyrical, poetic journey, exploring what it means to be a pilgrim of the heart. Accompanied by a number of Auckland's finest and fiercest poets.

The evening will also be an official launch of Page2Stage 2014 - an Artist Development Programme run by Printable Reality. Page2Stage Mentors and Mentees will be announced, and performing on the night.

Joel McKerrow is an international touring performance poet,writer, educator, youth worker, thinker and activist. He is the founder of The Centre for Poetics and Justice, has competed in the Individual World Poetry Slam (2012), has published two books and three spoken word albums. Joel has toured extensively throughout Australia, US, Canada, UK and Europe. ''A man who can tear a roof down with his performances and bring tears with his subtle eloquence'’.

‘Iris’ delivers a sound characterised by sweeping vocals, grand build sections and a gut wrenching lyrical and sonic explosion of emotion and color with every performance (think ‘Feist’ vs ‘Art of Sleeping’).

Kirsti Whalen “is as eloquent as she is authentic. It is this combination that makes her such a standout poet.” She is a multi-slam champion, has featured at numerous slams and poetry events and has won a multitude of literary awards.

This will be an incredible night, fusing soul-rattling writing with mind-blowing music.

Entry by Koha.

invite your friends : Facebook event

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