Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How I Brought My Thriller from the '70s into The 21st Century

Technical books, with charts and graphs, have always been a challenge for e-readers like the Kindle. DCL, working with MIT Press, believes it has come up with a solution.
Bestseller Warren Adler discusses the challenges of converting his 1977 thriller "Trans-Siberian Express" into digital and enhancing it Apple's iBooks.
Special Announcement from PP:
In this first issue of our new monthly magazine on book publishing, we focus on companies and people with new strategies for increasing book sales.
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"If a picture is worth 1000 words, a good trailer is worth a 1000 copies sold?," asks The Hindu about the growing popularity of book trailers in India.
From the Archives:
At the annual conference of the International STM Association just before the Frankfurt Book Fair, Jim Griffin advised publishers to get serious about exploiting the rights they own.

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