In Love and War: Kiwi soldiers' romantic
Author: Susan Jacobs - NZ $39.99
When New Zealand forces arrived in Italy following the 1943 Armistice with the Allied forces, it was inevitable they would mingle with the local population. The Italians opened their homes and hearts to the New Zealand soldiers who delighted in finding young Italian signorinas everywhere.
In Love and War tells of the liaisons and love affairs of New Zealand soldiers and their Italian sweethearts during World War Two. For some the result was marriage, leading to a new and often strained life for the Italian war brides on the other side of the world. For others, their wartime romance ended in heartbreaking separation when the Kiwi soldiers were posted elsewhere or returned home. Unknowingly, some left behind children who would grow up without ever meeting their natural fathers.
While the New Zealand commanding officers did their very best to curtail fraternisation between Kiwi soldiers and the civilian population, for servicemen starved of female company relationships were easy to fall into. These touching stories of their romantic wartime encounters reveal the human side of war.
Martin Hawes' Investment Guide
7 Timeless Rules for Investment Success
Martin Hawes - $34.99
This book spells out the main principles of investment which are for all time and all times. It doesn't matter what country you live in, or what tax rules you follow, the fundamental principles of investment remain the same. People who are investing (nearly everyone, whether they realise it or not) ignore any of these principles at their peril. Yet, depending on economic times and individual circumstances, they are frequently ignored.
About the Author
Martin Hawes is New Zealand's most popular financial author. He has written 15 books, most of which have appeared on the NZ Bestsellers List. His book on family trusts, first published in 1995, has sold over 100,000 copies. Martin is a popular speaker at seminars and conferences and also works as a financial adviser, giving advice to individuals and families on their investments and finances. He has a small number of independent directorships and is National President of Save the Children. Martin writes a column for the Herald on Sunday each week. He lives in Queenstown and in his spare time enjoys rock climbing, mountaineering, cycling, fishing and skiing.
Other titles by this author.
The Golden Hat - talking back to autism
Kate Winslett with Keli THorsteinsson & Margaret Ericsdottir
Simon & Schuster (via Penguin Books) - Hardcover - $37.00
Kate & Margaret's stories, their personal email correspondence, and Keli's poetry give us a profound insight into the world of those living with autism. Kate has shred this story with some of the world's most famnopus people, posing the question: "What is important to you to express?" Their responses are a collection of intimate self-portraits and unique quotes.
All the author proceeds from this groundbreaking book will benefit the Golden Hat Foundation, founded by Kate Winslet and Margret Ericsdottir to build innovative living campuses for people with autism and raise public awareness of their intellectual capabilities.
While the New Zealand commanding officers did their very best to curtail fraternisation between Kiwi soldiers and the civilian population, for servicemen starved of female company relationships were easy to fall into. These touching stories of their romantic wartime encounters reveal the human side of war.

7 Timeless Rules for Investment Success
Martin Hawes - $34.99
This book spells out the main principles of investment which are for all time and all times. It doesn't matter what country you live in, or what tax rules you follow, the fundamental principles of investment remain the same. People who are investing (nearly everyone, whether they realise it or not) ignore any of these principles at their peril. Yet, depending on economic times and individual circumstances, they are frequently ignored.
About the Author
Martin Hawes is New Zealand's most popular financial author. He has written 15 books, most of which have appeared on the NZ Bestsellers List. His book on family trusts, first published in 1995, has sold over 100,000 copies. Martin is a popular speaker at seminars and conferences and also works as a financial adviser, giving advice to individuals and families on their investments and finances. He has a small number of independent directorships and is National President of Save the Children. Martin writes a column for the Herald on Sunday each week. He lives in Queenstown and in his spare time enjoys rock climbing, mountaineering, cycling, fishing and skiing.
Other titles by this author.
The Golden Hat - talking back to autism
Kate Winslett with Keli THorsteinsson & Margaret Ericsdottir
Simon & Schuster (via Penguin Books) - Hardcover - $37.00
Kate & Margaret's stories, their personal email correspondence, and Keli's poetry give us a profound insight into the world of those living with autism. Kate has shred this story with some of the world's most famnopus people, posing the question: "What is important to you to express?" Their responses are a collection of intimate self-portraits and unique quotes.
All the author proceeds from this groundbreaking book will benefit the Golden Hat Foundation, founded by Kate Winslet and Margret Ericsdottir to build innovative living campuses for people with autism and raise public awareness of their intellectual capabilities.
CakeStar - your guide to creating show-stopping cakes
Jade Lipton
Each design features professional decorating tips, tricks and techniques with step-by-step photographs for you to follow. Cakestar also includes a section on the skills and equipment needed for cake decorating, plus never-fail basic cake, cupcake and biscuit recipes, so you can work your own magic and create show-stopping treats for any occasion.
Healing Our History - the challenge of the Treaty of Waitangi
3rd edition - revised and updated
Robert Consedine & Joanna Consedine
Penguin Books - $29.99
The Treaty of Waitangi is the most important document in New Zealand's history.
Current Treaty issues and Maori/Pakeha relationships can only be understood within the wider story of New Zealand. As we understand and honour our history, we can acknowledge the need for restoration, healing and right relationships.
Drawing on Robert's unique experience as a leading Treaty educator, the powerful message of this book illustrates how each and every New Zealander across all cultures can discover a new sense of personal and national identity, grounded in an authentic Treaty relationship.
Healing Our History - the challenge of the Treaty of Waitangi
3rd edition - revised and updated
Robert Consedine & Joanna Consedine
Penguin Books - $29.99

Current Treaty issues and Maori/Pakeha relationships can only be understood within the wider story of New Zealand. As we understand and honour our history, we can acknowledge the need for restoration, healing and right relationships.
The public response to previous editions of this bestselling book by Robert Consedine and his daughter Joanna Consedine has been strong and overwhelmingly positive.
This 2012 edition updates and expands on the critical issues: the foreshore and seabed debate, Maori access to political power, and the emergence of the Maori Party; the remarkable growth of the Maori economy, self-determination, Maori language and the developments in Maori education; constitutional issues, and the benefits of the Treaty settlement process. New Zealand and all New Zealanders have much to celebrate—and many challenges ahead.
Drawing on Robert's unique experience as a leading Treaty educator, the powerful message of this book illustrates how each and every New Zealander across all cultures can discover a new sense of personal and national identity, grounded in an authentic Treaty relationship.
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