Tuesday, June 13, 2017

New Story Lines South Auckland Festival Story Tour


attracts 1000+ South Auckland school children

Monday 19 June, 10.00am-2.30pm

Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau


For 23 years, the Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust of New Zealand has delivered its annual national Festival of New Zealand’s Children’s Writers and Illustrators through six Festival Family Days including its highly successful Festival Day in South Auckland each year.


This year Storylines is building on its strong and respected role in the New Zealand literary community with the revamped and re-focused Storylines National Festival Story Tour.


The dynamic and exciting interactive tour of presentations, storytelling and performances covers the North and South Islands from May to September. In May children's book authors/illustrators entertained Northland school children, late next week they visit Waikato schools, and this coming Monday 19 June Storylines comes to the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau.


Interest has been high, with 1000+ school children already confirmed to see Illustrators and authors Zak Waipara, Sharon Holt, Michel Mulipola, David Riley and Vasanti Unka, and singers and storytellers The Pacifica Mamas perform at the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau.

For more info on the Storylines National Festival Story Tour please go to: http://www.storylines.org.nz

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