Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Dylan Speaks! Nobel Lecture Recorded in L.A.


On Monday, Bob Dylan fulfilled the final requirement for accepting his Nobel Prize in Literature--to give a lecture for the Nobel Foundation--with the release of a recorded speech. Both the recording and the text are now available on the foundation's website.

"When I first received this Nobel Prize for Literature, I got to wondering exactly how my songs related to literature," Dylan begins. "I wanted to reflect on it and see where the connection was. I'm going to try to articulate that to you. And most likely it will go in a roundabout way, but I hope what I say will be worthwhile and purposeful."

Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, described the speech as "extraordinary and, as one might expect, eloquent. Now that the Lecture has been delivered, the Dylan adventure is coming to a close."

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