Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Arts Journal - Words

Best Place To Write? Surrounded By Books, Of Course

Yep, in a public space in the library: “Few things are as treasured by writers as privacy, that place where you can tune out the world and live in the alternate one on your page. I found it in one of the most public places imaginable, crowded with tour groups and class visits, a must stop in the guide books. For over twenty years I have been writing in the New York Public Library—eight novels and a ninth underway—and I can’t imagine working anywhere else.”

This Is The Poet Who Won One Of The World’s Richest Poetry Prizes

Alice Oswald, a British poet who won the International Griffin poetry prize for her collection Falling Awake, said, “Most of my favourite poets (both dead and alive) have never won prizes. However, in the spirit of carnival, it’s important for all people to wear a crown and ride on a float for a day – as long as they don’t turn up for work in it.”

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