Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Tuesday Poem

Tuesday Poem – 24 February 2015 with Fiona Apple

Over at Tuesday Poem this week, the poet and novelist Zireaux — who has just released a new novel called A Charlatan’s Orbit  — discusses the ghost poetry in the lyrics of the Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, Fiona Apple.

“One of the most beautiful themes in poetry,” writes Zireaux about Apple’s song, Container, “is that of the passively almighty. The powerfully weak. The noisy unnoticed. A kind of stop-motion perspective in which things that appear silent and still and locked in eternity — the ocean, the dead, the ancient rocks of Australia (see that greatest of ghost stories, Picnic at Hanging Rock — can rise up, knock us over, overwhelm our world with their substance. Apple’s poem contains that kind of substance.”

You can discuss Container and many other poems with Zireaux and the other Tuesday Poets by visiting TuesdayPoem.blogspot.com. We welcome new readers!

Tuesday Poem is a collective of 30 or so poets from around the world who share poetry every week. 

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