Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What Do Asians Really Want to Read?

Asians may identify more closely with success stories akin to the American Dream than with the colonial values left by Europeans in the last centuries, writes Duncan Jepson.
Patterns of book piracy can tell you a lot about the aspirations of a culture and what people really want to read. And it might direct you toward the next bestseller.
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Junot Diaz's short story Miss Lora defeated a strong list of British writers to take home the £30,000 Sunday Times EFT Private Bank short story prize.
Google has killed off the print editions of Frommer's guide books. And this makes sense, as Google never wanted to be a publisher and only bought Frommer's for the metadata.
From the Archives:
Despite a tech-savvy population of avid readers, Singapore has been overlooked by the global e-booksellers and local solutions are slow in developing.

1 comment:

  1. Geoff Churchman12:08 pm

    Based on what I've seen, business books would be top of the list and far above any other category.
