Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Cookbook Collector - story behind cover revealed

This was reviewed by Maggie Rainey-Smith on my blog this morning.

Now the publishers, Allen & Unwin, have advised as follows..........

the pic on the cover of THE COOKBOOK COLLECTOR is a self-portrait by a Kiwi school girl, Louise Hutt!

Here is the link to a story that appeared in the Bay of Plenty Times http://www.bayofplentytimes.co.nz/local/news/louise-books-spot-as-cover-girl/3936507/

And this is from Louise Hutt:

I took the photo for my Level 2 NCEA Photography. I did a series of works based on the painter Vermeer. I had an account on the art website DeviantArt where I put up my school work. In April 2010 I was contacted from the UK about using the image on the front cover of Allegra Goodman's The Cookbook Collector. At first I thought it was a prank. I really didn't think it could be real - 17 year old me, from Whangamata Area School, on the cover of a book? And then it hit and I was just so gobsmacked.
It still feels a little surreal sometimes - especially when I first saw a copy.

These are the images I have on my DeviantArt account:

And this is the image as part of my folio board:

1 comment:

  1. How absolutely lovely - what a terrific portrait and who'd have guessed it was a young girl from the Bay of Plenty - well done to Louise Hutt and thank you for the link Graham. Covers - oh they do matter, they really, really do.
