Saturday, February 20, 2010

Google Judge: "Both Sides Say the Answer Is Clear!"
from PublishersLunch

Judge Denny Chin ended yesterday's daylong hearing on the Google Books Settlement hearing the same way he started it, telling the audience, "I will reserve decision. There is a lot to think about." Earlier in the afternoon the judge wryly uttered the line we quote in our headline, and it was the best and most concise summation of the day's arguments. Alas this second account of the Google Olympics will be less whimsical than our first installment (you've been warned).

For close watchers of the case, there's little need or interest in rehashing the presentations of all those who spoke, since they primarily reiterated their written arguments (many of which cancel each other out, as was pointed out towards the end of the day). Also note, as some accounts fail to understand, it really doesn't matter how many parties spoke against the agreement in court--if you had standing, and filed notice with the court in time, you were given a slot. The most interesting moments generally came from Judge Chin's questions and remarks--we've known what all the parties and objectors think but this was the first chance to try to gauge the judge's thoughts.

And a report from the NYT.
And from Wired - Google Books Fosters Intellectual, Legal Crossroads

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