Wednesday, August 20, 2008

WH Smith to scrap plastic bags
Exclusive by Ruki Sayid, Consumer Editor, The Mirror

The death of the free plastic bag came a step closer yesterday as WH Smith became the latest store to scrap them.
It has already started charging for them at more than 80 shops in the North.
There are now plans to extend the ban across the South over the next fortnight - a busy time in the school shopping calendar.
Outlets in the Midlands and North West are charging a penny for carrier bags, with South Wales and the South West to follow.
But it is seen as a step towards axing the one-use bags in all 500 high street stores and 400 WH Smith travel outlets.
It is the latest big name to jump on the green bandwagon and joins Woolworths, which has also scrapped free bags in trials.
The full story at The Mirror online.

1 comment:

  1. you probably know, but just in case, that Borders in NZ now don't have free plastic bags - if you want one you pay extra for it, or you can buy for a couple of dollars a reusable Borders bag.
