Monday, February 18, 2008


From Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald:

as-live - the delayed broadcast of a live performance
bloggerati - collective term for influential people in the blogging world
bovver - British, "bother", successor of Little Britain's "wha'ev-ah" as the current adolescent choice - for an opt-out from communication.
bullycide - suicide caused by bullying
carbon (footprint) - one's environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.
chav - British, pejorative, the perceived underclass
ecopod - environmentally friendly coffin
flashpacker - cashed-up, upmarket backpacker
friend - verb meaning to accept a person on one's virtual social network
floordrobe - typical adolescent's horizontal clothing storage system
homeland security - precautions against terrorist attacks
lawfare - using the law rather than force to resolve an international conflict
lexerati - a sub-section of the literati who are interested in new words
linkrot - the condition of a neglected website where the hyperlinks no longer work
mad - excellent
micro-grom - Australian, a junior surfer
man-flu - a woman's term for a minor cold experienced unstoically by a man
manscaping - cosmetic removal of male body hair
muffin top - a top that reveals the overhang of a woman's midriff over tight pants.
NINJA (loan - ) acronym for "no income, no job or assets"
nom de womb - nickname of an unborn baby given by expectant parent
othorexia - the disorder of those tyrannised by their obsessively healthy eating
plastic police - British, community police without the training and firepower of regular police
pointy head - American, pejorative, an intellectual
pubic pants - fashionable apparel, named for its low waist
smirt - blend of "smoke" and "flirt" that may go on among people who step out for a smoko
tanorexic - obsessed with tanning
theocon - conservative voter who believes religion should influence government
toey - sexually eager
toolie - gatecrasher at a schoolies' event
vegansexual - vegetarian who won't sleep with a carnivore
whaletail - what's visible at the back when a G-string rides up
WOTY - acronym, "word of the year"

And for comments on these words also from the SMH use this link.

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