Friday, August 24, 2007


154 West 10 Street, New York, NY 10 014

Great joy this afternoon when we stumbled upon this "small but perfectly formed" bookstore in the West Village. Established in 1978 the store was bought from the founder by its present owner, Toby Cox, 6 years ago.

Although tiny Three Lives & Company has a very extensive range of literary fiction, and literary journals, and a wonderfully eclectic range of non-fiction.

When I expressed to Toby my surprise and delight at the range he generously gave credit to "our neighbourhood here and the folks who live in it who support the store so well."

He thought he was fortunate to have such a great clientele. Well I think the neighbourhood is fortunate in having such a great bookstore in its midst.

Congratulations Toby, I was so impressed!

Pic shows Bookman Beattie browsing before buying the following, all quarterly literary magazines:

Tin House
A Public Space
The Paris Review
Several novels and Adam Gopnik's latest would have been bought were we not already seriously overweight with our luggage for the flight home.
Next time you are in New York you MUST visit Three Lives & Company.
Meantime visit their fabulous website -

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:42 pm

    wow. you should see the list of authors who have done readings/events at the store. It is an absolute pantheon of American and English literature.
