Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I sought a copy of this from the PM's private secretary but she has advised me that the PM delivered her remarks "off the cuff" so I am unable to share them with you.
However among other things she spoke of the role publishers and booksellers were playing in these days of ever increasing digitalisation and talked of the need for well-designed books.

It was an excellent speech which was an appropriate lead into the main presentation of the evening, the awarding of the Montana Medals, which were won by Audrey Eagle and Lloyd Jones respectfully, two popular winners.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you couldn't get a copy of the PM's speech. She was scribbling notes as the the judges made their comments so it was very 'off the cuff'. Apart from production values, what I found interesting was her comments about the importance of supporting the writing and publishing of the NZ voice. I hope the booksellers, as well as CNZ, were listening.
    Agree with your comments on Stead missing out. Puzzling. MOre puzzling though is that Goose Bath and Cowboy Dog were actually entered. Publisher has to agree, when submitting a book, that they will have the author front up for promotion and be at the award evening if a finalist - unless exceptional circumstances prevent them. How does that work when the exceptional circumstances - the death of the author - happen before the submission date. Isn't this just a little against the spirit of the awards? Aren't they to reward and encourage writers rather than their estates? Understandable if the author dies after the book has been submitted. But three years earlier? Katherine Mansfield could yet win a Montana. If only I could remember where I put that old unpublished manuscript!
