Thursday, April 05, 2007


I was a great fan of this award winning crime writer whose novels, published by Faber, were set in Italy and featured the somewhat grumpy detective Aurelio Zen. I was sorry to learn of his death from the Guardian overnight. R.I.P. Michael.

For more about this author visit this website from where the photo by Isolde Ohlbaum was taken. Also worth reading is the obituary from the Guardian.

1 comment:

  1. I met Dibdin when he was on an author tour here in the mid 90s. I was asked to take him on a wine tasting trip to Marlborough, (terrible job but somebody has to do it). He was a great fan of Marlborough SB and the visit to Cloudy Bay was akin to visiting the Holy Grail. He was a seriously good drinker and smoked like a train so I did wonder how long he would be with us. He was excellent company with dozens of stories to tell. This was about the time that Anne Perry was outed as Juliet Hume. He knew Anne and was very excited that she was a murderer as , despite writing crime he had never met a real live murderer before, (at least so he thought).
    He was desperate for a book on the Parker Hume murders and back in Wellington we found the Alison Laurie book for him at Unity.
