Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The following comment from Roger Rabbit appeared on my blog earlier today:

Bookman Beattie, you seem to like everything you read? Don't you ever strike a dud? I do.

My response to to Roger Rabbit is as follows:

I have long made the practice of not reviewing books I don't like. There is not enough space given over to reviewing good books so why waste time and space and effort writing about inferior titles.
Likewise I follow Nick Hornby's advice and if I find myself not enjoying a book then I put it aside and start another. Life is too short to waste time on books one is not enjoying.
You will get criticism from me about aspects of books but if I do not like a book overall then I do not review it on my blog. End of story.


  1. Anonymous7:05 am

    I guess that is fair. When you read as many books as you obviously do then the need to be selective is high.

  2. Anonymous12:15 pm

    I liked your reply to Roger Rabbit. Why waste one’s time on books that don’t appeal?
