Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Kiwi Men's Health Guide by Phil Gifford

Looking after your Nuts & Bolts: Kiwi Men’s Health Guide by Phil Gifford
Published by Upstart Press, RRP $39.99

Vital information about men’s health written in an accessible and positive way from one of New Zealand’s finest writers.

This book doesn’t suggest a switch to silverbeet sandwiches, organic oat bran enemas, kale smoothies, or naked sweat lodge fasting. But read Looking After Your Nuts & Bolts and you will be able to look after your heart, discover ways to genuinely prolong your sex life, learn how to get the better of bowel cancer, and much more.

•             Stub out the habit that can wreck your health

•             Find out how to dodge the silent assassin that is diabetes

•             Get the inside oil from the man who gets the All Blacks fit

•             Never have to ask what actually happens in a prostate exam

In the words of Billy Connolly, ‘What’s the point in adding three years to your life if you’re bloody miserable in all the years before them?’

What’s being offered here is a place to check out ideas that could help you live not just longer, but better. You won’t be invited to buy pills, potions, pamphlets, magnets, or miracle fitness machines.

Everyone who’s quoted is an expert, whether it’s the fitness trainer who guides the All Blacks, or the surgeon who does prostate checks more often than Winston Peters sneaks a look in a mirror.

About the author:
Phil Gifford is one of New Zealand’s most respected and experienced sports journalists. He has more than 20 sports books to his credit and at various stages of his career was a genuine multi-media personality.

He has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio (where he became one of New Zealand’s most recognisable voices) and television. This will be Phil’s 25th book and he believes it will be easily the most important he will ever write.

So what are my credentials for writing this book?
One. I’ve been a male all my life.
Two. I’ve jumped, sometimes staggered, through all the usual lifetime hoops. Marriage, fatherhood, divorce, and remarriage. In the workplace, I’ve been hired, sacked, resigned, been sued and counter sued. Owned houses, sold houses, moved houses. Lived in the country, lived in the city.
Three. I’ve made a living writing and talking since I was 18. I’ve never believed in a book as much as I believe in this one.
Four. I’ve got skin in the health game. Both hips replaced, prostate cancer, bowel cancer, skin cancer, but happily now very much, as Willie Nelson says, ‘standing upright on the ground’.

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