Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How can I wean my son off Wimpy Kid re-reading?

Is there anything wrong with an eight year old re-reading the same books over and over again? The book doctor thinks not, but also offers some tempting alternatives

Zachary Gordon and Robert Capron
Zachary Gordon and Robert Capron in a scene from Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. Is there any harm in re-reading the books endlessly? Photograph: Diyah Pera/AP
My eight-year-old son’ s independent reading has taken off by virtue (or not) of the diaries of the wimpy kid. He is now re-reading them for the third time. I have tried the latest David Williams book, and classics like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe but they have all been rejected for another re-read of Greg’s adventures. I want to retain the interest in books and reading alone that has been kindled by these books which seem adored by children, less so by parents. I also want him to stretch his vocabulary. Can you recommend any books which follow on nicely from this series so that the independent reading may continue and progress?

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