Saturday, October 31, 2015

SHORT EASY BIKE RIDES 52 of New Zealand’s best

52 of New Zealand’s best
Kennett Brothers
Published 01 November 2015; RRP: $24.90

Cycling in New Zealand is booming again thanks to the many safe, easy, off-road cycle paths which have been created in recent years. This will be further boosted by the more than $300 million the government plans to spend on urban cycle ways over the next three years, as they create 250 kilometres of additional cycle paths and lanes. The end result is many more traffic-free paths for Kiwis to enjoy – time to get on your bike!

Short Easy Bike Rides showcases 52 of New Zealand’s newest, most picturesque and leisurely bike journeys – from the Bay of Islands to Auckland, the Waikato, Tauranga, Taranaki, Wairarapa, Nelson, the West Coast, Christchurch, Central Otago, Dunedin, Invercargill, and all points in-between.

These rides are all off-road and away from traffic, along wide, smooth paths, appropriate for any type of bike. Most are between one and two hours duration (although some longer, more challenging rides have also been included) on flat terrain. Suitable for all ages, levels of fitness and ability, each ride has been carefully chosen for its closeness to popular local attractions and major centres. Think delectable cafes, state of the art playgrounds, art galleries, local beaches, areas of outstanding natural beauty and iconic tourist destinations.

Short Easy Bike Rides makes bike riding a total experience; one which engages all the senses and makes being outdoors fun. Comprehensive and informative, the book features must-see destinations; makes recommendations about hiring bikes, where to eat, drink and stay; and contains maps and altitude graphs. There is also invaluable advice about family biking, what to wear, take and do along the way.

The Kennett Brothers (left) are passionate about optimising the public use and enjoyment of cycle trails and mountain bike tracks throughout New Zealand. They are the bestselling authors of many cycling books, design cycling/walking trails and mountain bike tracks, have been heavily involved with the government’s cycle ways initiative and, since 2009, have been working on the New Zealand Cycle Trail project.

Kennett Brothers Ltd.,
P.O.Box 11 310, Wellington

1 comment:

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