Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Bookman is discharged from hospital

That is the good news. The bad news is that I am sentenced to two weeks rest -  no meetings or travel, limited blogging, no media commitments etc. Probably as well as I can tell you I feel truly awful, in considerable pain and drugged pretty severely to help control the pain. I guess seven broken ribs, some of the with multiple fractures and a pierced lung, plus severe bruising and many cuts and grazes to hands and legs is going to make you feel lousy and require some time to heal. 

So my intention with the blog is to quietly start posting again over the next few days and gradually bring thinsg up to speed over the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience, and thanks to for the many messages of love and concern which I greatly appreciate.


  1. Get well fella! All the best from the AUP team. Go Vespa!!!

  2. Anonymous11:20 am

    Dear Graham, Your posts have been sorely missed and you have been much in my thoughts. I am pleased you have been released from hospital. It does sound most horribly painful. I've never been brave enough to be a Vespa rider. Now I would be terrified. And Doctors' orders to be followed - no replying to comments!

  3. Get well soon! We are thinking of you xxx

  4. So sorry to hear of your accident Graham! All the best for a speedy recovery. rachael xxx

  5. Morrin4:58 pm

    Follow Doctor's orders!

  6. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Hi Graham

    That sounds worse than your first post. Relax, recuperate and don't worry about the rest of us while you regain strength - who knows, we might even rediscover the Google button!

    Best, Gavin

  7. All the best Graham to get through the feeling lousy bit.

    Tell you what: Mrs H and Iwill have a bottle of wine in solidarity, then perhaps martinis, which we're learning to make right. I'm sure we'll all be feeling better for it.

  8. Jan FitzGerald8:08 pm

    I only heard about your accident listening to Jim Mora on National as I was painting this afternoon. All the very best, Graham, for a lessening of the pain and lots of healing rest and sleep.

  9. I agree with Morrin - follow Doctor's orders!

  10. All the best, Graham. There's no news without you!

  11. Sending you warm healing wishes from Me and all of my characters!
    Christine L L

  12. Good to hear you've been discharged, but take things easy and get yourself properly mended...

  13. I have to agree with, Ian - there's just no news without you!

    So sorry about your accident, Graham. Speedy recovery xx

  14. Fergus12:56 pm

    Good to have you back, Graham. AWRF was odd without you. F

  15. Many thanks Fergus, it was strange to have not been at AWRF, the first I have missed.
    Thanks to all the kind folk who have sent messages of good will via the blog and directly. They are all much appreciated. My repair is going to be a long and slow one but I feel a little better each day and the pain is almost manageable thanks to the cocktail of painkillers I have been prescribed. Thanks again.

  16. Renee Lang10:51 pm

    So glad to hear you're on the mend - although it sounds like it might be a fairly slow and painful process. So take care and don't be in too much of a hurry to get back to the blog - we all know that good things are worth waiting for!
    Renee xx

  17. Geoff Churchman2:57 am

    Wow, that sounds like a nasty accident that could have been even worse. Here's wishing you a full speedy recovery. Will you go back to riding a Vespa?

  18. Thanks Geoff.
    Yes, will def be back on my Vespa, I love it, and by the way it suffered hardly a scratch. It was just bad luck that a young inexperienced driver carried out an illegal turn which knocked me off the Vespa. It all happened pretty much in slow motion and had I not ended up under the Vespa then no damage of significance would have been done. I have been riding scooters all my life and have not previously had an accident, I am most defensive. This Vespa I have had for nearly 20 years.
    All best,

  19. Maxine Alterio6:38 pm

    Good to hear you back online Graham but don't overdo it.
