Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A Point of View - Will Self on foodieism

The British Vomitorium
Listen at BBC - Duration: 10 minutes
First broadcast: Friday 28 December 2012
"Are you full yet? Stuffed? Fit to burst?" asks Will Self as he appeals to the post-Christmas glutton to consider a major lifestyle change in the year ahead.
"What I think we should all do", he says, "is throw up our very obsession with food itself, and enter the New Year purged".
He takes us on a tour of foodie history, and explores how we've gone from being a culinary backwater to "the most food-obsessed nation in Europe - if not the world".

Listen at BBC

1 comment:

  1. What a miserable old git Will Self has become! He's the very last person who to berate others about over-indulgence! Pot, meet Kettle.
