By Jason Boog on Galley Cat, November 1, 2012

According to the Association of American Publishers (AAP) StatShot report for July 2012, hardcover sales revenue in the children’s and young adult category skyrocketed by nearly 30 percent compared to the same period last year–rising to $424.7 million.
In contrast, adult fiction and nonfiction hardcover sales declined 0.7 percent in July. Children’s and YA also saw a 222 percent jump in digital sales while the adult category grew 37 percent. While adult fiction and nonfiction paperback sales increased 11 percent, mass market paperback sales continued to slide, dropping by more than 20 percent.
Below, we’ve embedded a chart below that breaks down adult fiction and nonfiction sales by category as well. The AAP collected information from 1,184 different publishers to compile the report.
Overall, total publishing industry sales increased nearly three percent for the year-to-date.

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