Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday Poem is Hope by Dinah Hawken

 Keith Westwater is Tuesday Poem's editor this week and he's selected Hope as a poem that meant a lot to him when he was finding his way in poetry. It is quintessential Hawken. The sort of poem that makes you pause awhile and appreciate afresh. Here's how it begins.

It is to do with trees:
being       amongst trees.

It is to do with tree-ferns:
mamaku, ponga, wheki.
Shelter under here
is so easily

Once you've read Hope, there is a host of poems in the Tuesday Poem sidebar from James Norcliffe to Stevie Smith to Michelle McGrane. Worth a visit over morning coffee. Tuesday Poem is here: www.tuesdaypoem.blogspot.com - a blog that brings together 30 poets from NZ, Australia, the UK and US. 

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