Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

The Bookman is heading off tonight to the US to join our New York- based family for the holidays. I will be blogging from there although not as frequently as I do when at home.
I will take this opportunity to wish you the happiest and most relaxing of holidays and I look forward to your regular visits to my blog in the year ahead.
Merry Christmas - Happy New Year.
Illustration at top from The Guardian and below from "Christmas Delicious".


  1. Merry Christmas, Graham.

    I hope you have a lovely holiday break with the family. I look forward to more of 'da Bookblog' in the new year. :)

  2. Thank you Helen. I hope you have a lovely break too. Take it easy.

  3. Dear Graham - Happy, happy New York Christmas and look forward to your State-side updates. Thanks for a wonderful year of literary updates and looking forward to more in 2012.

  4. Keri H6:24 pm

    Safe travel & happy return Graham - your blog is a daily must-read - cheers Keri

  5. Have a wonderful holiday, Graham, and say hi to NYC for me. Gorgeous weather here, but in many ways I envy you. Look forward to lots more blogging next year!

  6. Penny1:59 pm

    A very Happy Xmas to you and Annie, and Deb & Co in NY!
    Hope it's not too cold ...

  7. Warm Christmas wishes Graham. My day isn't complete without checking in on your blog. I'll have to cope while you're away but looking forward to your return and normal service resuming in 2012!

  8. Mark Hubbard10:00 pm

    Have a great Christmas Bookman, and thanks for another year's blog. First stop on the Internet still. Enjoy New York, a white Christmas there sounds pretty magical ...
