Sunday, May 18, 2008


Wow, what a guy. Michael Pollan proved to be a real star turn, a real pro, a man on a mission with a cause in which he passionately believes.

Simon Wilson, food writer and former Cuisine magazine editor, was the perfect guy to chair this inspiring session and he made a great fist of it. After Wilson listed Pollan's five books, and quoted briefly from reviews of each, our author read a piece from his second last title, The Omnivore's Dilemma, and then Wilson skilfully led him into a conversation about his latest title, In Defense of Food, and its thesis which was suggested could be summed up in seven words - Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.

He was the consumate public speaker, he had us all, (and there were a lot of us), in the palm of his hand and I found myself hanging on to every word. Absolutely brilliant.
This was my final session at the Festival and it was a great way to go out from what has been an outstanding Festival on every count. Tomorrow I will attempt to summarise the wonderful past five days at the Festival and pass out my annual bouquets and brickbats.
But tonight I will sleep like a baby I am sure.
I spent nearly $300 on books at the Festival but I didn't have to buy In Defense of Food as I bought the hardcover edition in New York at Christmastime. It is a most thought provoking read.
And a great report on this session in today's New Zealand Herald.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:56 pm

    Michael Pollan -who i esteem - has left out one word in his mantra:
    "Eat food."
    Yep, real food is way better that masscrap nastinesses.
    "Mail plants."
    Of course! That's what our species has always fed on majorly!(Even, latest findings, our neanderthal cousins-)
    "Not too much."
    Well, the 'much' and the 'hy of eating thereof' are debatable-
    but - he left out the best reason - after sheer survival- for eating!
    It is


    (There are numerous studies that indicate that people can eat desperately unhealthy crap - for a while- and thrive, for a while, There are also other studies that indicate people can have a really limited dietary but thrive - provided they *enjoy* what they are eating.)

    As a fastidious foodie who really doesnt like restaurants but adores good food (and enjoys it as often as I can - like daily) all I can add to this post is-enjoy!
