Monday, July 09, 2007


These guys operate in Paris, Barcelona and Berlin.

Today we did the Paris tour I can warmly recommend it to you next time you visit.
Costing E24, or E22 if you are a student, the tour lasts about 3.5 hours, covers around 5 miles, and takes in such sights as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Napoleon's Tomb, Musee D'Orsay, Place de la Concorde, Les Invalides and more. You do not actually go inside these places you just stop at each and your friendly, expert native English-speaking guide, 22 year old Miles from Texas in our case, gives you the history and other information.
Then you ride sedately on to the next attraction, there are no hills, the bikes are modern, comfortable and well-serviced. Lunch is taken in an outdoor cafe in the Tuilleries.

It was great, great fun and does not require much fitness or bike experience.
As you can see, right, I look pretty relaxed!

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