Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CULTURAL AMNESIA by Clive James William Norton US$35

Just published in the U.S. and already attracting a lot of attention, read what four newspapers and an American magazine have to say about it:

I can't wait to own this book, all 876 pages of it!

I presume it will also be published in the U.K. but so far I have only been able to find the edition published by William Norton in the U.S. If any British publisher out there can enlighten me on this please do so. MacMillan publish his autobiographies but I haven't heard from the about this one.

The photo of the author is by Jerry Bauer.And the cover image shows the U.S.edition.

Footnote - within 25 minutes of this post Angie Willocks, Publicity Manager at MacMillan NZ advised that indeed this will be published by them as a hardcover edition RRP NZ$60 and will be here in May. She says it is a mammoth volume. That's a pretty fair price it seems to me when compared to the US price, it is a hardcover and includes gst.

1 comment:

  1. MacMillan NZ have advised that this is going to be a MacMillan title and will be released here in May.
    Mystery solved.
