Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This from the Guardian. Interesting stuff.



  1. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Hi Bookman-B, this is all a bit Da Vinci Code saga for me. Someone trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill? IM has acknowledged his sources, what is the problem. One of the wisest of books states - there is nothing new under the sun - we all take inspiration where we can get it. no?

    I love IM's novels, and there is so much more substance to everyhting he has written than the Dan Brown buy-a-book-at-the-airport-because-you-have-to-read something-on-the-flight type stuff.

    The latest of his I've read 'Saturday' is just wonderful, a powerful and character, rather than event, driven story.

    Gina L

  2. Thanks for this.
    I agree with your comments on "Saturday". One of the best handful of novels I've read in the past 2-3 years.
    Robert McCrum, Literary Editor for The Observer, has commented at length on this subject so I'll publish his comments on my blog for all to read.
    I rate McCrum, he is of course a successful author in his own right, both fiction and non-fiction, and the former highly successful publisher at noted London publishing house, Faber and Faber.
