Sunday, June 11, 2017


Woven Histories: Matariki Fashion Showcase 

When: Saturday 10 June, 6pm – 8pm
Where: Takapuna Library
Cost: Free

An evening celebrating the opening of Matariki Events for Libraries. 

Join us for a fashion show of the garments in the Woven Histories Exhibition. This will be a show unlike any you have seen in a Library setting! Accompanied by local performance, with designs from Maori Weaver Shona Tawhiao.

Angela Walker: Book launch 

Wednesday 14 June, 6pm
Takapuna Library
Cost:  Gold coin, RSVP.

'From Battle of Britain Airman to POW Escapee: The Story of Ian Walker RAF'

Angela Walker will talk about her book,
From Battle of Britain Airman to POW Escapee: The Story of Ian Walker RAF. Ian was part of a night fighter squadron based at Manston and heralded as one of The Few. After the Battle of Britain, he joined 115 Squadron and flew scores of death-defying missions over Germany in Wellington Bombers.

Angela takes the reader on a thrilling journey into the heart of Europe’s theatre of war. She also reveals many surprising discoveries about the man who was her father. A local North Shore girl and former Rangitoto College student, Angela shares memories of Ian Walker RAF and read from his letters and journals. It will also be the official launch of Angela’s book.

Light refreshments served from 6pm, author talk starts at 6.30pm. Copies will be available for purchase and signing courtesy of South Pacific Books.
RSVP to Helen Woodhouse on (09) 890 4903 or email
President Trump's First 150 Days: Is America Greater Now? 

When: Thursday 29 June, 6-8pm
Where: Takapuna Library
Cost: Free

The Graduate Women North Shore warmly invite you to hear Dr Stephen Hoadley, Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Auckland, regular public lecturer and commentator on TV and radio, who will be speaking about the first 150 days of the Trump presidency.
President Trump's policies by Tweet have polarised Americans and unnerved foreign leaders and public alike. But his actions have not been consistent with his campaign promises. So what is the real Trump? What is the real America? What are the real interests New Zealand should pursue vis-à-vis the United States? Be prepared for a lively discussion and the opportunity for audience questions.

RSVP to Helen Woodhouse on (09) 890 4903 or email

VII Agency Photography Exhibition 

When:  June 2- 15, during library hours
Takapuna Library
Cost: Free

Auckland Festival of Photography presents a series of digital images featuring the world of leading international photojournalists from VII Agency.

Christopher Morris 

TIME sent photographer Christopher Morris to capture the US Presidential candidates’ rallies in slow motion. The surreal experience shows what the human eye can’t see and process in real time.
Using the Phantom camera, Christopher was able to record close to 1,000 frames per second, stretching seconds into minutes in experimental films that lie between still photography and video artistry. Instagram: @christopher_vii

Linda Bournane Engelberth

South Wales Valleys, known locally as 'The Valleys', is the former industrial area of South Wales and is home to around 30 per cent of the Welsh population. It is also the poorest region in Wales. Despite receiving a high level of financial support from the EU, The Valleys recently voted overwhelmingly in favour of Brexit.
The Valleys had been a target of EU Regional Policy funding because its GDP was less than 75 per cent of the EU average. The effects of Brexit could have dire consequences for the region as a whole. Instagram: @lindabournane

Danny Wilcox Frazier

Photographer and filmmaker Danny Wilcox Frazier focuses his work on marginalised communities across the United States. Frazier has photographed people struggling to survive the economic shift that has devastated rural communities throughout America, including in his home state of Iowa. His work acknowledges isolation and neglect while also celebrating perseverance and strength. He is a member of the VII Photo Agency. Instagram: @dannywilcoxfrazier; Twitter: @wilcoxfrazier

Japanese language and culture sessions 

When:   Sunday 25 June, 1pm - 2.30pm
Takapuna Library, Rangitoto Room
Cost: Free

Want to prepare for travel to Japan, business socialising, hosting Japanese guests, the 2019 Rugby World Cup or the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?

These simple conversation sessions are hosted monthly by Massey University Albany's School of Humanities. The first session will cover pronunciation and greetings, use and etiquette of chopsticks and present wrapping with furoshiki (Japanese cloth wrapper).

 Instructor Dr Mitsue Tabata-Sandom is from Japan and lectures in Japanese at Massey University, Albany. She has conducted similar successful sessions in Wellington and Honolulu. Come and spend some time on a Sunday afternoon 'experiencing Japan'.

RSVP is recommended. Email: or phone (09) 890 4903

Helen Woodhouse| Takapuna Community Library Manager| Auckland Libraries – Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau. - Ph 09 890 4903  Extn (46) 4903 Mobile 021 945 179  Takapuna Library, 1 The Strand, Takapuna Private Bag 93-508, Takapuna, Auckland 0740

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