Monday, July 16, 2007

Poetry of the Devine, the Pavement and the Resurrected

Montana Poetry Day
– 27 July – brings poetry to the people in over 45 poetic happenings nationwide.
Here's a taste of what's in store:

Poets on Ponsonby Pavements.

New Zealand poets: Karla Milo, Fiona Farrell, Janet Charman, Bob Orr, Michele Leggott, Iain Sharp and Renee Liang – read poems on a pavement soapbox outside The Women’s Bookshop – to be broadcast live on George FM. 12noon - 2pm, Friday 27 July, 105 Ponsonby Road. Free Event. Contact The Women’s Bookshop on 09 376 4399 or e-mail for more information.

Nine Divine Muses.

This year’s devine: Harry Ricketts, Iain Sharp, Mark Pirie, Andrew Fagan, Serie Barford, Riemke Ensing and Siobhan Harvey – read poems and pieces of their favourite verse. 7 - 9.30 pm, Friday 27th July, The Auditorium, Auckland Art Gallery, crn Wellesley and Kitchener Streets, Auckland CBD. Free Admission, wine, juices and snacks. Contact Siobhan Harvey on 021 171 0002 or e-mail for more information.

Resurrection Night - Poetry Live.

Come as a resurrection of your favourite (dead) poet. Prize for best resurrection performance and best dressed. Resurrection Night will be held upstairs at Classic Studio, 321 Queen St, 8 - 10.30 pm, Tuesday 24th July. Koha on the door. Email Renee Liang at for more information or, for all details of Poetry Live's weekly programme, click here>>For a list of poetic events around the country click here >>
The above information from the Auckland Writers & Readers Festival latest e-zine.

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