Monday, July 16, 2007


During the month I was away in Europe my weekly visitor figures fell by about 20% and most of the fall was in NZ visitors. Now I'm back in the office rather than blogging on the road I'll be trying to get those missing viewers back.

For the past week the top 10 countries by visitor count were:

48.5% New Zealand

16.9% USA

7.0% UK

5.5% France

4.6% Australia

2.2% Canada

2.0% Thailand

1.3% India

1.0% Ireland

1.0% Japan

With the remaining 10% coming from 49 other countries!
Thanks to you all for dropping by.


  1. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Those first few days after you left and before you started blogging again from Portugal were a nightmare for me as a beatties' book blog addict. I'm sure I'm not alone. Come on you others confess! However it was probably quite a good thing as my addiction is now a bit more under control - I check out the blog maybe once every 1-2 days now instead of 3 or 4 times a day!! And my list of must-read books and articles is a bit more manageable. Ha ha...not sure how long that will last...anyway sounds like you had an awesome deserved the rest, although quite incredible how much great blogging you still managed to carry out!!

  2. Anonymous9:55 am

    My name is Vanda, and I am a Beattie's Book Blogaholic.
    I enjoyed reading of your travels, and it gave me ideas for a few places to visit when I manage to get overseas one day (The Red Wheelbarrow looks like a must see) I too felt bereft for those days when there were no new posts. I have not controlled my addiction enough to limit it to every 1 to 2 days - I'm a 2 or 3 times a day girl.

  3. Many thanks Lee and Vanda for your kind comments which I much appreciate. Sometimes when you are blogging away and draw no responses you wonder if anyone is actually reading this stuff!
    And I may add that I am addicted to scouring the world's media for book news and adding posts each day so while away if there was no Wi-Fi connection available I started getting quite twitchy.
    Thanks again,
